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Not so long ago, Lincoln Property Co. caused a stir when they purchased a section of the Lakewood Shopping Center at Abrams Road and Gaston Avenue. Now, in an article by Steve Brown for The Dallas Morning News, another shopping strip has been sold to another buyer.

The Skillman Live Oak Shopping Center, located at 1900 Skillman Street and La Vista, has been sold to an investment partnership that includes Mitchell Rasansky and Leland R. Burke. The property area is almost 32,000 square feet and is leased to tenants like Pizza Hut and Metro Paws Animal Hospital.

This is not Rasansky's first foray into the Lakewood area. He was one of the owners of the former Whole Foods Market and Blockbuster video building that was only blocks away at Greenville and Belmont.

How do you think these recent developments will affect the Lakewood area in the future? Let us know in the comments section.

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