Jacqui Nickell
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Lakehill Preparatory School celebrated Grandparents Day on November 18.  Always a popular event for students and staff, the activities are scheduled prior to the long Thanksgiving holiday, so that many visiting grandparents from out of town can share in the festivities.  
After a delicious breakfast, sponsored by the Parent Faculty Club and chaired by Jill Powdermaker, visitors moved to the auditorium for a memorable performance. 
Student Council Co-Presidents Tyler McCall and Ben Gillman welcomed the capacity crowd.
While introducing each class, seventh and eighth grade Drama students shared their favorite memories of their grandparents. The program presented students in kindergarten through fifth grade in their own unique musical tributes. First grade gave a passionate performance of the highly anticipated favorite, "Super Turkey." Middle School Drama students performed a scene from their upcoming production of Alice @ Wonderland, while Upper School Musical Theater students sang "One Normal Night" from the recently performed musical The Addams Family.
The morning also featured performances by the Allegro Singers and the Lakehill Chorale. In the always heartwarming finale, children and faculty members performed "Family Tree," a poignant song written especially for Lakehill by Jack Noble White, a celebrated local composer. 

Lakehill Preparatory School is hosting an Admission Coffee and Conversation for prospective parents on Wednesday, December 5, at 8:30 a.m. The Coffee will be held at Lakehill’s newly renovated Main Campus, located at 2720 Hillside Drive, Dallas, 75214. Parents of students entering kindergarten through high school are encouraged to attend. Visitors will learn more about Lakehill's award-winning programs in academics, arts, athletics, and community service, and tour the expanded facility. 

RSVP for the Admission Coffee and Conversation here.

To schedule a personalized tour, please contact Stacey Peacock, Director of Admission, at 

- Contact Jacqui at  
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