Jacqui Nickell
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A Day On, Not a Day Off

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and the first national day of service in 2018. The Points of Life Foundation calls for a day on, not a day off, and offers ideas on how to get involved on January 15. Attend an MLK parade or event, or volunteer with a local community organization.  I am now two weeks into my 52 Weeks of Service and am excited about my year of doing more for others. Perhaps MLK Day can be the start to your year-long commitment to service. There are so many ways to serve. Follow along with me this year and find out how you can get involved in your community.


Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something. ~Author unknown

Small, daily acts of kindness can have a profound impact.

This year, I am setting forth on a personal quest: to volunteer every week of the year, with a different organization each time. Fifty-two different non-profits to learn about and work with. Fifty-two weeks of service.

I fully believe that helping others can make the world a better place. One person at a time, one day at a time, and one project at a time, you, too, can make a difference that will leave a lasting impact.

In my Community Connections service club at Lakehill Preparatory School, our mantra is, “It’s not about me.” So how do I incorporate that into my life and set an example for others to follow?

When it comes to making a difference, nothing matters more than simply taking action. Every effort counts, no matter how small it may seem. As we say in Community Connections, “Just do something.”

It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you live, or how much money you have. You just have to show up…and just do something. Keep in mind that the most valuable skills you can bring to any volunteer assignment are compassion, an open mind, a willingness to do whatever is necessary, and a positive attitude.

While I suspect most of my projects will focus on nonprofits in Dallas, Texas, as that is where I live and work, I am also looking forward to exploring opportunities in other cities when my family and I travel. My hope is that these activities will inspire others to seek out opportunities in their own communities.

Let’s get started!

Follow along with our 52 Weeks of Service.

- Contact Jacqui at  
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