Jacqui Nickell
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On February 26, Lakehill Preparatory School's Robotics team headed out to the FIRST North Texas Regionals Competition at Woodrow Wilson High School.
The Lakehill Bionicles and their robot, Lewa, placed 8th among the 40 teams participating in the Regionals Competition, winning 3 out of the 5 matches they competed in and taking in over 852 points. In each match, the team was randomly paired with an alliance partner to compete against two other teams. Lewa had to complete tasks such as autonomous movement, intaking, moving game pieces, and driving over difficult terrain.
The whole competition was a team effort. Throughout the day, team members drove the robot, helped other teams, adjusted code, made alliances with other teams, fixed robot parts that broke, and spoke to judges about their experience in FIRST.
During the awards ceremony at the end of the competition, the team won 3rd place in the Innovate Award, awarded for teams who use their creativity and ingenuity to think outside the box. Winning 3rd place Innovate was a huge milestone for the team because this is the first time the team has received the Innovate award at the Regionals Competition.
Thank you to all of the teachers, mentors, sponsors, and outreach partners for helping this amazing season go successfully and smoothly!
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