Jacqui Nickell
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by: Kinzie Garcia, Community Service Coordinator

DALLAS, TX -- The canned food drive was a phenomenal success! The Varsity girls volleyball team faced off with faculty and staff on Tuesday morning as a culmination of the Fill the Bus Food Drive. It was a close match, but the Lakehill faculty and staff secured a 25 - 21 victory!

Your contributions exceeded well over 2,000 items!! It was a beautiful sight to see the entire school come together for this drive and soar far past the number acquired last year. Everyone played a role, from start to finish.

Our middle schoolers helped collect all items throughout the school and brought them to the gym before our Faculty Game. Our Upper School student council helped sort and organize items yesterday, and some of our basketball boys loaded up cars this morning. It takes a village, and our Lakehill village has shown up and shown out!

Project Transformation of Greater Dallas has received 1/3 of the donations. This non-profit organization plays a large role in working with underserved communities in the Dallas area and the goods donated will assist over 75+ families alone. Crossroads will receive the remaining 2/3 of the donations collected and will continue to benefit families throughout the holiday season. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your contributions and for the example and commitment you've shown in making Lakehill and its Dallas community a giving place. Happy Holidays!

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