Jacqui Nickell
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Are you looking for the right kindergarten for your son or daughter?

Would your child benefit from a low student-to-teacher ratio and small class size? Dedicated teachers who help each child develop into their very best self? A close-knit family environment? Spanish, music, art, computer, and library classes several times a week - with PE every day?

Studies show that the first seven years of life are the most important for academic development and Lakehill can prepare your child for success. Lakehill's solid academics and nurturing environment will build your child’s confidence and set the foundation for a lifetime of learning. 

Find out more at Lakehill's Kindergarten Preview on Tuesday, October 3, at 9:00 a.m. on the Main Campus at 2720 Hillside Drive. RSVP for the Admission Preview here. Visit our website at for more information.


About Lakehill Preparatory School
Lakehill Preparatory School guides motivated students to learn with curiosity, lead with confidence, and serve with compassion. Our challenging and nurturing educational community inspires students to become collaborative problem-solvers who live with integrity. Talented teachers, high academic standards, and the development of leadership skills in a challenging and nurturing environment are hallmarks of a Lakehill education.

The newly enhanced Main Campus offers students 16,000 square feet of new space and 8,000 square feet of renovated space. This vital effort produces new lab spaces for science, writing, and computer science, as well as a new art studio. It also provides new classrooms, administrative offices, and meeting and event rooms. A dramatic 5,000 square foot inner courtyard offers outdoor classroom and performance space.
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