Jacqui Nickell
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By Afton Guedea,
Marketing Intern, Lakehill Class of 2016
Community. This word is often used to describe Lakehill, whether it's referring to the teachers, students, or the school as a whole. Lakehill takes a special pride in its community sense and makes it a priority to maintain this characteristic among both faculty and the student body. How do they do it? That's simple: Tribes.
Established three years ago, Tribes were put in place to help students connect with each other beyond age and grade boundaries, allowing opportunities for younger students to find role models and older students to mentor their peers. Several times a year, the entire school divides into their separate tribes, made up of a mixture of students from all grades and led by two teacher sponsors, to take part in fun activities, games, and service-oriented projects. 
So far this year, Tribes have made heartfelt notes and decorated ornaments for guests at this year's Holiday Luncheon, and enjoyed a game day. Tribes are now collecting items to make care packages for the victims of the recent floods and tornadoes. 
"The best thing about Tribes is getting to know people from all around the school," says fifth grader Dasha Ramey. "I get to meet people who I can look up to and ask questions when I need help. It's also fun to see my Tribe members in the halls and give them hugs."
Tribes allow students to grow closer to one another, and to make connections that will last for years. "I like connecting with the younger students," says senior Audrey Castaigne. "It allows me to reminisce about all of my Lakehill memories when I was their age, and to offer advice when they have questions."


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