Jacqui Nickell
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Anna Knickel and Mara Sandberg.
One sixth grade girl and one fifth grade girl remained on stage for the final round of Lakehill's Spelling Bee on January 7. But it was last year's runner-up, sixth grader Mara Sandberg's winning combination of words, solsticeand turpitude, that earned her the title of Lakehill's Spelling Bee Champion. 

After many rounds of competition, Sandberg edged out fifth grade student Anna Knickel, who went out on gargantuan, for the title. Sixth grade student Zak Goldstein took third place in the competition, going out onAdonis

Last year's champion, Kira Willis, was the last eighth grader in the competition, going out onjackanapesAsher Chamoy was the last seventh grader standing, going out on rhapsody.

"The spelling bee is always full of surprises," said coordinator Julie Riggs. "Some of the words seem impossibly tough, but students figure them out. I admire those who put themselves out there and accept the challenge." 


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