Lakewood BubbleLife -
A Grand Time: Lakehill Celebrates Grandparents

Lakehill celebrated Grandparents Day on November 20. Always a popular event for students and staff, the day is scheduled prior to the long Thanksgiving holiday, so that many visiting grandparents from out of town can share in the festivities.  

After a delicious breakfast, sponsored by the Parent Faculty Club and chaired by Tora Greene, visitors moved to the auditorium for a memorable performance.

While introducing each class, seventh and eighth grade Drama students shared their favorite memories of their grandparents. Artwork by sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students lined the walls of the auditorium. The program presented students in kindergarten through fifth grade in their own unique musical tributes. First grade gave a passionate performance of everyone's Thanksgiving favorite, Super Turkey

The morning also featured performances by the Upper School Man Choir and the Women's Chorale. In the always heartwarming finale, children and faculty members performed "Family Tree," a poignant song written especially for Lakehill by Jack Noble White, a celebrated local composer.
Monday, 14 December 2015