Jacqui Nickell
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Lower School students consider signing a declaration.
After studying about government and how laws are made and passed, Lakehill fourth graders formed informal Declaration Committees during their recess time. This leadership inspired others in second  and third grade to form similar committees.  Over the past several weeks, children have been using their recess time to think about changes they would like to see in the Lower School. They have then written the suggestions on proposal sheets and gathered signatures from other Lower School students to show support for their ideas.
"We applaud this method of promoting change and are so proud of how the students have gone about securing changes in an organized, democratic way," said Head of Lower School Patti Brooks. "There were approximately 20 proposal sheets submitted, and over a third of the suggestions have been implemented." 
One proposal resulted in the formation of a new Lower School Garden Club sponsored by Jeremy Holman. A cheerleading clinic and a French class, both sponsored by Tamra Badget, have also been added as after-school activities. 
Other proposals focused on food and drink selections, such as adding Sprite to the drink machine for after-school care and increasing the lunch time food choices for Lower School students in the cafeteria. 

Students petitioned for the cancellation of the Ketchup Klub, where students use recess time to "catch-up" on their work, so that all children could enjoy necessary play time, including the new four square and hopscotch games added recently to the playground (also a result of a student declaration). 

Administrators responded to a request to encourage more kind behavior with a Kindness Warriors bulletin board in the Lower School hallway that displays messages focusing on random acts of kindness. Students and teachers write about the ways their peers and students have gone out of their way to be kind. 

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