Jacqui Nickell
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Lakehill students enjoy river rafting in Costa Rica.

While many students stay close to home for Spring Break, some desire to spend their break in a more adventurous manor, such as traveling to a foreign country to explore a vastly different culture.

On March 6, a group of 17 Upper School students, accompanied by Spanish teacher Joan Mayo, Art teacher Scott Boles, and the Bernstein family, traveled to Costa Rica for a ten-day adventure to discover a different part of the world.

Upon arrival in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, the students admired the Museo de Oro (Gold Museum) where they learned about the culture and art of the indigenous peoples. They also toured the Museo de Arte Costarricense (Museum of Costa Rican Art) where they saw many famous pieces of art. They shopped at the local market and purchased delicacies indigenous to Costa Rican culture. 

During the school year, members of the Pan American Student Forum (PASF) raise money for those with cystic fibrosis. During the trip, students were able to donate the money to local children suffering from cystic fibrosis and their families and were able to visit two of the families. In the Poas volcano area, the group stopped to visit and play with children from a local elementary school, which was being rebuilt after the 2009 earthquake. They then traveled to visit the famous Poas Volcano National Park to view the crater and nearby lagoon. 

The group continued to Sarapiqui where they enjoyed zip lining and white water rafting. They also enjoyed a "chocolate tour," the local Baldi hot springs, and rode on horseback to La Fortuna Waterfall. They kayaked on Lake Arena and on the way to Chira Island, toured the Venado Caves. Students spent the night in rustic surroundings on the island and enjoyed delicious food prepared by women of the Chorotega Tribe.

As the trip neared its end, students packed in a few more activities: touring the mangroves near the island, observing scarlet macaws and jaguars in an animal sanctuary, and tasting exotic fruit at a local market. 

The students were sad that the trip came to an end, but all will cherish the memories they created. "The Costa Rica trip was something I will never forget," said sophomore Emily York. "It was an exciting experience." 

By Haley York

Marketing Intern, Class of 2015 

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