Jacqui Nickell
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Fresh air, wide open spaces, and a day away from school to enjoy it all...who could ask for more? 
For Lakehill's Middle School students, it just doesn't get much better than Fall Day Out. 

The weather provided the perfect backdrop for the 150 students who headed north on November 4 to enjoy a full day of play at Sisters' Grove Farm, Ms. Gajkowski's farm/homestead in Princeton, Texas.

Children enjoyed old-fashioned hay rides, a rope swing, and impromptu games of badminton and volleyball. Many relaxed on the porch with games of checkers and chess. After a cookout, students explored the property, running through the fields and orchard. 
While the students clearly enjoyed a day off from school, Fall Day Out seems much more about the "out" - having fun with friends in the great outdoors. It is no wonder that this special day for Lakehill's Middle School students continues to be a favorite. 
Learn more about Upper School at Lakehill at the Upper School Admission Preview on Thursday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. Find out more at
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