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Juliette Fowler Communities

Twenty-five second graders from Merriman Park Elementary School in Lake Highlands brought an evening of Christmas warmth and joy to 45 residents of Juliette Fowler Communities in Lake Highlands.

The students worked hard practicing their songs in advance and prepared handmade Christmas cards that they handed out to all the residents that evening. The children called the Bingo game and partnered with the seniors as “Bingo buddies” during the games! There were lots of smiles and joy among everyone in the room as the children engaged with the residents.

The joy that resulted from these magical moments of the children interacting with the residents was in line with Juliette Fowler Communities’ goals of creating an intergenerational community, which provides many health benefits and increases quality of life.

What made this evening even more special? Two sets of grandparents, the Marr family and the Worrall family, were in the crowd, witnessing the joyous performances of their beloved grandchildren.

Laura Porting, development manager at Juliette Fowler added, “This was a particularly joyful occasion for several former DISD teachers and one DISD librarian in the crowd of our seniors. These individuals served our schools for so many years and loved having the children there to perform. It brought back wonderful memories of their beloved teaching days.” 

The students enjoyed preparing for this event, singing, handing out their homemade cards, calling Bingo and interacting with the seniors. At ages 7 and 8, this was one of their first volunteer experiences. It was a memorable and joyful evening for all.

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