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The Benefits of Blood Management

Blood is the mixture of cells and liquid pumped by the heart through the arteries and veins reaching all of the cells in the body. It is made up of many components, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, clotting factors, and small proteins. Each of these components has a different job. 

A blood transfusion may be necessary when the body cannot produce blood quickly enough due to decreased blood cell production because of serious illness, medications or chemotherapy, blood cell destruction caused by immune system reactions, diseases such as sickle cell anemia, complications due to previous blood transfusions, or significant blood loss caused by trauma or high blood loss surgery.

Sometimes patients prefer a treatment method that allows them to avoid the use of donor blood during medical or surgical procedures. The Blood Management Program at Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake gives patients this transfusion-free option by using advanced conservation devices, pharmaceuticals and meticulous surgical techniques to minimize blood loss during medical or surgical intervention. The program is dedicated to improving patient care with the appropriate use of blood alternatives and strategies to reduce or avoid transfusions. 

Blood management has many benefits. In addition to conserving a precious community resource, it may improve patient safety by minimizing exposure to blood, reduce exposure to viruses and other blood borne diseases, and could reduce length of stay in the hospital. 

To find out if blood management may be right for you, attend a free seminar to learn about available blood alternatives, blood management procedures, and the risks and benefits of bloodless medicine. Call 866-825-0701 for more information or visit

Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake
9400 Poppy Drive
Dallas, TX 75218

Thursday, 01 November 2012