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Gold Medalists - DUC Men's Novice 8 Trip Winans, Josh Martin, Alexander Singh, Jack Lawson, Westley Sturhan, Dawson Rogers, Luke Cummins, Drew Ngo, Topher Luzarraga (coxswain)

The Dallas United Crew (DUC) rowing team competed in its first competition of the season at the Head of the Oklahoma regatta in Oklahoma City on October 7-8 at the OKC River Sports District on the Oklahoma River. Great fall weather greeted the team as they competed in their races. DUC did a great job of preparing for the season and this weekend their hard work paid off.

Dallas United had six crews medal, bringing home a total of 46 medals overall, and topping the medal counts from the previous two years. The Men’s Novice 8+ brought home a gold medal with a convincing twenty-seven second lead over next boat.  “It’s great to see the novice men win,” said Program Director Steve Perry. “It's exciting to see their hard work pay off, especially on a 5k course.  With novices, the races can be a bit unpredictable, yet they did a great job and stayed with their race plan." DUC also placed silver in two races, the Men's Lightweight 8+ and the Women's Lightweight 4+.  Bronze medals were earned by three crews - Women's Varsity 8+, Men's Varsity 8+ and Men's 4+.  Congratulations to these DUC athletes:


Novice Men's 8+

Drew Ngo, Trip Winans, Luke Cummins, Josh Martin, Dawson Rogers, Alexander Singh, Westley Sturhan, Jack Lawson, Topher Luzarraga



Men's Lightweight 8+

Justin Rigg, Harrison Schick, Christian Schick, Jack Waters, John Donahue, Brian Huang, Sam Evans, Cole Pettijohn and coxswain: Deven Foley

Women's Lightweight 4+:

Christina Healy, Hannah Sipes, Grace-Cook Burton, Marissa Tiscareno and coxswain: Kate Corey



Women's Varsity 8+

Marisa Tiscareno, Anna Savant, Grace Condon, Sutton Delaney, Julia van Witzenburg, Katie Hammonds, Izzy Harrington, Rachel Crayton and Coxswain: Camryn Fleming

Men’s Varsity 8+

Anders Ekstrom, Kristoff Csaky, Nick Knapp, Anson Smith, Ben Genender, Eric Martin, Hunter Adams, Anthony Wang and coxswain: Mackenzie Harrod

Men’s Varsity 4+

Kristoff Csaky, Nik Knapp, Anthony Wang, Anders Ekstrom and coxswain: Mackenzie Harrod

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