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Summer 2014 FlameProof Award-Winning Cuphea 'Vermillionaire' (top left); Bulbs 2015 Arboretum Approved Award-Winning Hyacinth 'Blue Eyes' (top right); Spring 2015 Arboretum Approved Award-Winning Petunia 'Supertunia Pink Star Charm' (bottom left); Fall/Winter 2014-15 Arboretum Approved Award-Winning Viola 'Tiger Eye Yellow'; (bottom right).

The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden hosted its annual Plant Trials Field Day for industry professionals to learn more about new plants and the results from the acclaimed Arboretum plant trials program on June 24. These results include data of what plants performed well and which ones survived the Texas weather from summer 2014 through spring 2015. The Arboretum provides awards—FlameProof® and Arboretum Approved® award winners—for plants that have thrived and outperformed others.


“The purpose of the day was to report accurate data to suppliers on how plants perform in our area.We have a long growing season and a unique climate that’s hot and cold, dry and wet. Our heavy clay soils also provide a challenge for some plant material,” said Jenny Wegley, Dallas Arboretum’s director of horticulture. “Another goal of the day was to give those in the industry a chance to network and to learn best practices from one another.”


The Dallas Arboretum Trial program is internationally known as one of the premiersites to test plants for extreme weather conditions, especially high heat and humidity.In 2014, 2,957 plants were tested including a wide range of annuals,perennials, and spring blooming bulbs (tulips, Narcissus, Hyacinth).


The FlameProof awards are given only to those plants that survived through the extreme conditions of a Texas summer and scored exceptionally high with certain criteria.The Arboretum Approved awards are given to those plants that scored the highest during the cool-seasons (fall/winter and spring) and are considered the “shoulder pad” crops.


“This day is a joint effort in bringing the industry together to showcase Southern standouts, especially those that survive our North Texas weather,” added Wegley. “Only the best-scoring heat-tolerant varieties are presented the coveted "FlameProof" award. These are ones that beat the heat, thrive and bloom heavily. Material that performs well in cooler seasons are honored with our Arboretum Approved award. This information is then made available to local nurseries, suppliers and breeders. It is also a great resource to the community and local gardeners.”


With several winners in these categories, here are a few standouts, according to Wegley:


Summer 2014 FlameProof Winners:

Cuphea ‘Vermillionaire’

Alternanthera ‘Red Carpet’

Ornamental Pepper ‘Candleight’


Fall/Winter 2014-15 Arboretum Approved Winners:

Kale ‘Ripbor’

Mustard ‘Jeok Gat’

Viola ‘Tiger Eye Yellow’


Spring 2015 Arboretum Approved Winners:

Petunia ‘Supertunia Pink Star Charm’

Bacopa ‘Snowstorm Blue Bubbles’

Phlox ‘Intensia Blueberry’


Bulbs 2015 Arboretum Approved Winners:

Hyacinth ‘Blue Eyes’

Narcissus ‘Flower Carpet’

Tulip ‘Syneada King’


Perennials 2014:

Artemisia arbotanum ‘Cola Plant’ FlameProof

Heuchera ‘Delta Dawn’ Arboretum Approved

Sedum ‘Pure Joy’ Arboretum Approved


Dr. Brent Pemberton, Texas A&M Regents Fellow and Professor of Ornamental Horticulture and Plant Physiology, also presented the “Texas Super Star Program Award Winners.”


Those interested can find out more information about the Dallas Arboretum's Trial Program by visiting

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