
There are a lot of things to consider when buying a new home. Is there enough space to accommodate my family? What can we afford? Is it our style? Fortunately, in many cases, these questions and similar issues can be resolved with a remodel. Chris Black, owner of CB Construction in Dallas, offered these tips for homebuyers interested in buying a home that needs remodeling:

Find a home that has good bones.
When house hunting, Black suggests buyers find homes they could see themselves living in without a major overhaul. Stripping a home down to the frame and starting over can be an exhausting, lengthy and expensive process, so find a house that may need some work but doesn’t require extensive renovation.

Make sure the house is in a location you like.
Even if you are planning a complete renovation for your new home, there’s one thing you can’t change — its location. Evaluate the neighborhood’s amenities and its proximity to schools and work. Be sure the house is in an area that fits your family, as you’ll be spending a lot of time there!

Live in the space prior to remodeling.
Once you’ve purchased the house, don’t think about remodeling just yet. “Buyers should live in the space prior to remodeling,” Black says. “They won’t know exactly how they’re going to use the space until they’ve actually experienced it.”

Consider future plans.
According to Black, depending on the type of project, the design process for a remodel could take many weeks or months, with the same length of time to build. Before embarking on a large project, Black ensures that the client wishes to live in the house long enough to make the investment worthwhile.

People watch TV shows where contractors take potential homebuyers to homes and develop shoestring budgets before buying a home — this is fantasy. A proper remodel takes time and effort to plan correctly and is not something that can or should be thrown together before buying a home.

If you’re interested in remodeling your home, call CB Construction at 214-773-5566 for start-to-finish remodeling services. From beginning to end, we will set and stick to your budget, your expectations and your timeline. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

Chris Black

5711 Mercedes Avenue
Dallas, Texas  75206

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