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You’re cooking breakfast for your family while your children play near you. The sun is shining through the windows to your bright, beautiful kitchen. The kitchen that is so picturesque it looks like it was in last month’s issue of Better Homes and Gardens. This is a dream for most, but for Park Cities resident Courtney Crawford, she experiences this every day.

Crawford and her husband purchased a 1940s home here in the Park Cities. With a love for old charm and the neighborhood, the Crawfords knew this would be the place they call home.

As we all know, older homes, although full of character, are almost always outdated and in dire need of a pick-me-up. The Crawford’s new home not only had an outdated kitchen but several small rooms that had no purpose or function.

When it came to remodeling, Courtney Crawford knew the kitchen was the first thing she wanted to change. Wanting to keep the original footprint of the house, the Crawfords hired CB Construction for the design-build process. Chris Black, president of CB Construction, worked closely with the Crawfords, listening to every detail and design they wanted to incorporate into their new kitchen and great room.

“I have such high standards, and I was so pleased with Chris,” Courtney said. “He has a lot of pride and works with great people, which made the process more fun and gratifying.”

For all of the home remodelers out there, don’t you wish you could just blink and the remodel would be over and done with? Remodeling is not a process that is just thrown together — there are hundreds and thousands of steps, checklists and projects that must be discussed, planned and executed. Crawford admits she had no idea how much work and planning goes into a project of this size.

“Chris would tell me ‘you’re on step 8,000 — lets step back a bit,’” Crawford said. Crawford continued to explain how CB Construction led her through the design-build process.

Crawford, who had been saving images of kitchens she ripped out of magazines over the past several years, knew exactly what she wanted. An open floor plan that’s kid-friendly, a lot of light, and plenty of cooking space that is clean and bright but kept the charm of the home is exactly what she hoped for.

No matter what item large or small, CB Construction made sure the Crawfords got exactly what they wanted, anywhere from the countertops to the hood above the oven. In the end, the Crawfords got the kitchen they’ve always wanted.  

“The kitchen is where we spend most of the day,” Crawford said. “I love everything about it. Cooking dinner for my family while my 7-month-old sits on the rug, and I can watch my 2-year-old’s gratifying for me.”

Overall, the Crawfords were more than pleased with not only the outcome of the kitchen but the whole process. “Chris knew exactly what we wanted and always kept us in the loop and never skipped one detail,” Crawford said.

The Crawfords are probably at home cooking for their family right now while they enjoy the open living space of their new kitchen.

Thinking about remodeling? Click here to see how you can get started on your dream home. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

Chris Black

5711 Mercedes Avenue
Dallas, Texas  75206

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