
The school year has started. For savvy homeowners, so has home-remodeling season.

Chris Black, president of CB Construction, says that the start of the new school year gives homeowners an ideal time to tackle those home-remodeling projects that they’ve long put off.

The reason? When children are in school, they’re out of the house. That means less stress for parents and contractors both.

“Remodeling projects always put a strain on families,” Black said. “That strain, though, will be less if children are outside the home when the majority of work is being done. Parents won’t have to spend all their time keeping children away from construction areas or shepherding their children around town until workers leave for the day.”

Taking on a remodeling project when children are back in school also gives homeowners a chance to address some of the long-neglected problem areas in their homes. They can then schedule remodeling projects that leave them with a house that is more comfortable for everyone, parents and children alike.

As all parents know, children are tough on a home. They race home from school and kick off their dirty shoes in the front hallway. Or they toss their backpacks on the living-room couch as they head to the kitchen for a snack.

Children generate loads of laundry, too. Young children come home from class covered in paint and glue. Older children mow through piles of laundry to find the perfect outfit, often throwing clothes in the hamper that they’ve worn for only 10 minutes. Uniforms seem to be dirty all the time.

Parents can address these and other problems with a well-timed back-to-school remodeling project.

Black points to clients who desperately needed an organized space to handle the onslaught of children’s boots, shoes, jackets and backpacks that continually flowed into their home’s living room and kitchen. Once CB Construction built them a new mudroom, the home’s clutter problems evaporated.

The couple’s school-age children hung their raincoats on easy-to-reach hooks in the home’s new mudroom. They tucked shoes and boots under benches, and placed hats and gloves in cubbyholes. Backpacks, too, found a better resting place on their own hooks.

“The addition of a mudroom, a place for everyone in the house to kick off their shoes and hang up their coats, can make all the difference in eliminating clutter throughout a home,” Black said. “It seems like a little thing, but it can really improve a family’s living conditions.”

The addition of a custom laundry room can make a big difference, too. Parents with children spend countless hours trudging up and down stairs to run loads of laundry. Or they spend too much time in dingy, crowded laundry rooms that are no bigger than closets.

A solution? Contractors can build bright, airy laundry rooms near the bedrooms that are actually pleasant spaces. This makes the chore of washing pile after pile of children’s clothing less taxing.

But not all back-to-school remodeling projects have to be so utilitarian. Homeowners might want to add a playroom to give their children a place to unwind after school. A new study room can provide children with a quiet place to tackle their homework, while an entertainment room can serve as the ideal place for families to relax and watch movies after a long day of school and work.

“The way we look at it, a remodeling project should fix whatever wrongs are present in your home,” Black said. “I’ve worked with clients whose homes didn’t have enough gathering spaces for their family. We can fix that. I’ve worked with clients who say there are no quiet places in their home. We can address that, too. Every remodeling project should take something that isn’t working in your home and transform it into an enjoyable, functional space that makes living in your house a better experience.”

Think of how much time you spend in your home. A recent CB Construction client did. And this homeowner discovered that she spent too much of her time picking up her children’s shoes and backpacks or rushing to the second floor of her home to tackle yet one more load of laundry.

Finally, the homeowner made the decision to invest in a remodeling project that would make daily living a more pleasant experience. A new mudroom and laundry room later, this homeowner is able to spend more quality time – playing games, working together on dinners, taking long walks – with her family.

“It can be easy to not think about what’s wrong with your home,” the client said. “But after you make the changes, you wonder how you were able to live in your old house – the one you lived in before remodeling – for so long.”

If you’re interested in talking with construction experts about your back-to-school remodeling project, call CB Construction at 214-773-5566. You can also stop by the office at 5711 Mercedes Ave. in Dallas.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

Chris Black

5711 Mercedes Avenue
Dallas, Texas  75206

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