
Deciding to embark on a home remodeling project can be overwhelming as you initiate the process of forming ideas for your future space. It’s hard to visualize how an outdoor stone patio or three-season porch might complement your home. You might wonder: how will the existing roofline tie in to a new porch? What types of materials are best from a function and aesthetic standpoint for new patio? What color palette should I work with? These questions don’t even begin to scratch the surface of all the design choices you’ll make or options available to you. Luckily, with today’s technology, there are many (free) tools at your fingertips that can assist!

So, where should you go for inspiration? When you are ready to plan a home renovation or redecorating project, you will most likely want to collect images and ideas based on your personal preferences and design goals. Undoubtedly, the days of sifting through architecture and design magazines, tearing out the pages with ideas for your latest initiative, are fading. Today, many clients begin the process by surfing the Internet for inspiration. Virtual scrapbooking, through bulletin board sites and applications, is a tremendous tool for research as you begin your creative brainstorming process.  

Enter a multitude of new online communities and mobile applications that allow users to peruse an endless collection of images related to any area of interest. Houzz is one such option, dedicated to architecture, interior decorating, landscape design and home improvement. As described on the Houzz site, “We are a collaborative platform for home remodeling and design, bringing homeowners and home professionals together in a uniquely visual community.” Houzz also features articles written by industry professionals, product recommendations and a user forum.

This is an ideal approach for clients who want to organize their thoughts and inspiration before beginning the design/build process. When clients come to us with their virtual bulletin boards as a starting point, we can see what they are trying to envision for their home. As we collaborate and piece together the elements of their ideas we begin to develop their dreams and vision into reality.

If you’ve never been to the Houzz website or application, we encourage you to take a look. Also, we’re pleased to invite you to view our own company page on the Houzz community by clicking here.

Similarly, Pinterest is a visually driven exploratory website used by people to organize their interests of any type by “pinning” images to a virtual bulletin board. In the design-build world, this is an exciting and effective way for our clients to gather their project ideas, from architectural elements to room layouts to paint colors and beyond.

Finally, Evernote allows users to take virtual notes on particular areas of interest. Text, webpage information, photos, voicemails and even handwritten notes can be archived using Evernote for the purpose of creating and maintaining a virtual notebook of ideas and memories.  

At Chris Black Construction, we value the ideas and inspiration that clients have collected and we thrive on the creative and collaborative planning process that turns those ideas into reality. Let us transform your virtual bulletin board into the project of your dreams. Call us at today 214.773.5566. We look forward to hearing from you this spring! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

Chris Black

5711 Mercedes Avenue
Dallas, Texas  75206

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