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Ramsey Rodriques garnishes chocolate waffles as Ka Ramsey Rodriques garnishes chocolate waffles as long time member Katheryne Livengood stands by to serve them.

Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Dallas has been celebrating its 150th Anniversary all year as the longest continuously operating Protestant Church in the city. 


Over the past weekend, the celebration culminated in a weekend for the history books—an organ recital with a renowned, organ soloist, a catered sit-down dinner featuring live bands,   a glorious Sunday morning worship service with magnificent performances of liturgical music, and an old-fashioned pot luck Sunday dinner.


An important group of members to the success and longevity of any church are the women of the church. The pastors of Central Christian Church are a husband and wife team, Drs. Steve and Debbie Chisolm.  Venerating the important roles that women have played in Biblical history, in Central Christian’s history and in the church today, the Chisolms wanted the celebration on Oct. 19 and 20 to begin by honoring the Disciple Women. 

In the New Testament of the Bible, in Acts 9:36, it is written: In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas). Her life overflowed with good works and compassionate acts on behalf of those in need.

What better way to say “thank you” to ladies who give their time and spirit than by honoring them with an elegant and festive brunch?


As if by miracle (and a lot of hard work from volunteers) the church fellowship hall was transformed into an enchanting tearoom. Tables were set with a hodgepodge of china, crystal, teapots and fresh flowers.


Church member Mary Chris Gibbons referred to the eclectic décor as “shabby chic.”  More chic than shabby, the colorful and floral patterns brought back memories of Dallas’ lovely Lady Primrose, in its hay-day of glory.


And what was the morning fare?  There were eggs, sausages, and pastries galore.  Fresh fruit platters, homemade kolaches, chicken filled croissants, migas—name it, and it was there.  There was even a “make your own waffle station” set-up with pumpkin spice batter for a holiday taste. Or, you could just ask for a decadent Black Forest waffle topped with whipped cream and cherries. A coffee bar, assorted juices and teas along with Mexican Hot Chocolate washed it all down.


During the fun and cheer, Pastor Debbie asked the attendees to take a moment to remember and honor church women by naming women past and present who had played a vital role in their life.


Brunch is always a special way to begin a celebration and this was indeed a weekend to celebrate 150 years of a church serving the community. And the best is yet to come!


With a mission to reach out to neighbors both far and near, Central welcomes everyone, and makes everyone feel welcome. Even the family dog!  Behind the church is Central Dog Park, voted best dog park in Dallas in 2012 by Dallas Observer. 


Also on the six acre church grounds is the Acres Community Garden, named for the late Maurice Acres and his wife, Ebby Halliday, 102, another woman who has made a significant difference in the Dallas community and in the  lives of women.  The garden is the largest provider of fresh produce to the North Dallas Shared Ministries, feeding the city’s poor.


Located at 4711 Westside Drive, between Mockingbird Lane and Lemmon Avenue, (at the edge of Highland Park), Central welcomes all.






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