
Feeder Pattern Night was a success! Students from the Bryan Adams feeder pattern came out to support their Cougars and join the festivities! In total, 87 Bitty Belles and 22 Cheerios joined the Belles and Cheerleaders on the sidelines to show off their Cougar pride.

Anastasia Lee from Sanger Elementary told her father, “Daddy, when I grow up, I want to go to school here so I can be a big Belle so that I can take care of the little Bitty Belles like they did for us.”

Everyone could see the excitement in all the elementary kids eyes as they stared at their high school counterparts. This was truly an experience for the young kids but the high schoolers, parents and staff also had a wonderful time including our baby Cougars.

“[This is] so special to me because I now have Bitty Belles that are on my team. Bitty Belle is a lot of work but so worth it! It gives our little girls something to look forward to! Destination Bryan Adams is stronger than ever and I am looking forward to teaching these precious young girls. Excellence starts when they are young!” exclaimed Belle Instructor and Bryan Adams teacher, Amy Solorio.


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Video done by Israel Tellez
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