Bishop Lynch High School
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The Bishop Lynch faculty and staff were quite fortunate to have the opportunity to welcome Archbishop Miller, from the Archdiocese of Vancouver, to campus last week. Archbishop Michael Miller made a special trip to Bishop Lynch prior to his engagement as Keynote Speaker at the Catholic Ministries Conference, to speak on The Five Essential Marks of Catholic Schools. He reminded the faculty and staff of the importance of their vocation, as witnesses to Christ and the gospel, and the direct effect their influence has on the Bishop Lynch students’ growth - both spiritually and mentally.

In the words of Pope Benedict XVI:

“The central figure in the work of educating, and especially in education in the faith, which is the summit of the person’s formation and is his or her most appropriate horizon, is specifically the form of witness. This witness becomes a proper reference point to the extent that the person can account for the hope that nourishes his life and is personally involved in the truth that he proposes.”

To read more about Archbishop Miller, please visit the Archdiocese of Vancouver website or The Five Essential Marks of Catholic Schools.

Thank you to the Parsons Family for helping to arrange this wonderfully unique occasion! Pictured: Principal Evelyn Grubbs, Whitney Parsons, Archbishop Miller, Tony Parsons, Michael Parsons – Class of 2018, President Ed Leyden and Coach Ben Dasch

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