Bishop Lynch High School
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On Wednesday, October 15th, more than 50 Friar alumni and current parents visited Bishop Lynch High School to participate in the inaugural BLHS MajorEdge Career Day.  As 294 Lynch seniors eagerly navigated through the rows and rows of tables on display, it was evident early on that the school’s first career fair was going to be a huge success.

Students were given the opportunity to visit six professionals for 20 minutes each - free to listen, ask questions and communicate with others interested in the same fields. The presenters represented specialties from business to engineering, advertising to nursing, television to sales!  Almost every major was covered, giving the students first-hand knowledge about various careers and leaving them with the opportunity to explore their interests and various strengths.

The success of the program would not have been possible without the generous participation of the devoted parent and alumni volunteers. The students thoroughly enjoyed the day, and came out of it with a wealth of knowledge and many lasting impressions.

Until next year, Friars!


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