Bishop Lynch High School
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It was with great pleasure that Bishop Lynch High School welcomed our distinguished guests this morning, gathering in honor of Veterans Day. Today, as a school-community, the student-body, alumni, parents, faculty and staff took a moment to pause and honor those men and women who have so selflessly served in our armed forces.

When Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner” almost 200 years ago, he called America “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”  Those words are as true today as they were then. Throughout our Nation’s history, American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen have bravely answered the call to defend our freedom, to aid our friends and allies, and to turn back aggressors.

It was a privilege to say “thank you” to all of America’s Veterans, to let them know they are appreciated for their selfless service.  The price of freedom is high, we cannot afford to forget those willing to pay it.

The service members honored today came from all walks of life, but they shared several fundamental qualities. The truest to us is that of our Bishop Lynch sense of community. Veterans Day speaker David Luther, BL Class of 2005, has gone above and beyond the calling that any of us are challenged to. He, like his fellow service members possesses courage, pride, determination, selflessness, dedication to duty and integrity – all the qualities needed to serve a cause larger than one’s self.

On behalf of the Bishop Lynch Student Council and Heroes of the Heart club, special appreciation is extended to speaker, Mr. DJ Luther, BL President Ed Leyden, Principal Mrs. Evelyn Grubbs, Hillary Cox and the Sage Staff, Mrs. Kathy Leos and the Bishop Lynch Choirs, Mr. Mickey Owens and the Bishop Lynch Band and all of the Faculty and Staff in attendance today. And, most importantly, thank you to all of our Veterans; those who were able to attend today and those who could not. We are truly honored by your service to our country.


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