Bishop Lynch High School
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Bishop Lynch Sophomore Receives City and State Accolades

Fresh from her impressive success at the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair, Bishop Lynch High School sophomore Mabry Webb was again awarded first place in Plant Sciences at the Texas State Science Fair in San Antonio. Mabry was one of the top ten entries in the fair, and was interviewed for the grand prize.  The judges were impressed with Mabry’s knowledge of her experiment on the production of oil by algae and her creativity in designing her own calorimetry equipment. One judge called her a “MacGyver,” although Mabry was not familiar with that fictional character.

Mabry was invited to participate in the Texas State Science Fair as a result of her first place finish at the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair back in late February. Her project was entitled:  A Study of the Effect of Supplemental Carbon Dioxide on Spirogyra grevilleana Oil Production.

Mabry compared the energy produced by combustion of the biomass of control algae and algae which had been supplied with extra carbon dioxide. She found that there was a significant increase in biomass when the carbon dioxide was increased. Climate change is producing more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and algae are a significant source of food in aquatic environments, meaning that a climate change will actually produce more food in the future for fish and other aquatic animals.

In addition to her impressive science fair place accolades, Mabry also received the first place award in Plant Sciences from Texas Tech University’s Department of Plant and Soil Science in the Senior Division. Her award included a scholarship to Texas Tech University.  


Sister Cecilia Sehr, O.P. Honored at Southern Methodist University – Science Fair Banquet

At the Science Fair Banquet on March 22, 2016, held at Southern Methodist University, Sr. Cecilia Sehr was selected to receive the Northrop Grumman Teacher Award in the Senior Division for the number of entries from Bishop Lynch High School and their performance and success rate at the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair.

Congratulations to our remarkable Bishop Lynch students and to Sister Cecilia who has been impacting the lives of our BL Friars as a staple in the BL Science Department for over 30 years! 

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