Bishop Lynch High School
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By Beth Burau

Bishop Lynch High School’s German program celebrated National German Week earlier this month.  The celebrations began on October 3rd, the 25th anniversary of the reunification of Germany.  Throughout the course of the week, German Club and Delta Epsilon Phi (National German Honor Society) members hosted events, activities, and competitions for BL faculty, staff, and students. Even the morning prayers that week were auf deutsch (in German).

The “Ich bin ein Berliner” Breakfast Bake Sale on Tuesday was a great success.  German Club members raised funds for The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to help refugees coming to Germany and other European countries. In total $145 was raised through “donations for donuts,” where a $1 donation got one a free donut. 

Other events and activities include daily fun facts on BL Live, the daily Trivia Contest through BL’s social media outlets, and a Guess the Gummis (gummy bears) contest held during Tuesday’s lunch period. “I enjoyed the Guess the Gummis.  It was a popular event,” said Mathew Young, German Club Treasurer.

In addition to the German Week events, the Bishop Lynch German program is celebrating the German culture and language the entire month of October through their “mini museum.” Visit the Lochwood branch of the Dallas Public Library all week long to see the German program’s display of German memorabilia. Every German student researched an item and wrote it’s “museum” description. The display will be up through the end of the month. 

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