Bishop Lynch High School
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By Beth Burau
Bishop Lynch High School congratulates the 43 students who were recently inducted into their respective language societies. German, French and Spanish National Honor Societies were represeanted at the 5th annual Induction Ceremony. French Honor Society president Katelyn Curtis said, “Being a member of a language honor society is really important to me, because it goes a step further…you get to specialize in your language. It’s exciting to be part of such a special program that cultivates and brings together…cultures, languages, and countries. Sydney Goudie, German Club Historian and new inductee, exclaimed, “I am honored to be a German Honors Society member and can’t wait to help influence others to join our German program at BL.”

After a trilingual opening prayer of the Our Father, the cereamony began. BL alumna Abigail Wilson (’11) served as the guest speaker with her speech entitled “Our Responsibility toward International Communication.” Wilson took two years of Spanish and one year of German during her tenure at Bishop Lynch and graduated from Baylor University with a degree in International Relations. She articulated, “Connecting a language with a personal purpose or connection is critical to the motivation that is absolutely essential in becoming proficient in another language.” Wilson also explained that the responsibility of international communication is of great importance for Americans today. She stated, “With the increasing threat of terrorism, both foreign and domestic, coupled with the rise of violence in many countries including our own, the inclusion of communication into foreign policy strategy with other nations is crucial.” Senior Curtis reflected on the evening’s guest speaker stating, “I really liked how Ms. Wilson said that [language learning] is so important, and when it has a personal connection, it means a little more to you. You enjoy it and it is not just to fulfill a requirement.”

The ceremony, which included symbolically receiving the light of knowledge, taking an oath, and receiving a pin and certificate, proved to be a solemn and memorable event. Senior Spanish student Lauren Stewart stated, “I took away that language and the love of it and use of it beyond high school is important. It’s not just something you should learn for course credit.”

After honor society membership books were signed and photos were taken, the newly-inducted members and audience members adjourned for light refreshments. Goudie reflected on the evening’s events saying, “The most significant thing about the ceremony to me was how all the language honor societies grouped together to be inducted and all have the same goal, to spread the influence of language in society and to continue their language learning.”

New Members:

Max Cole
Sydney Goudie
Parker Jesberg
Ryan Malin
Melanie McVicker
Madeline Sullivan

Kate Barton
Emily Brown
Mars Kalzia
Nadine Reynolds
Jasmine Ruvalcaba
Keegan Senecal
Trey Thomas

Michael Andrade
A.J. Armenta
Allison Clay
Cole Cooper
Gabrielle Covarrubias
Julian Day
Victoria Diaz
Elisa Devereaux
Lani DuFresne
Marissa Dunagan
Diana Effiom
Alexander Hancock
Isabelle Hanks
Alana Humason
Anna Huntress
Ryan McGuire
Grace Mena
Sarah Miller
Catherine Murchison
Bonnie Nolan
Audrey Paetzel
Shannon Scott
Jasmine Thekkekara
Brianna Torres
Frida Torres
Brianna Vergel
Jacob Villarreal
Benjamin Walter
Reagan Withrow
Murphy Yoxall

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