
Back to school season: the time of year most parents love and almost all children dread. With the kids out of the house and back in the classroom, now is the perfect time to get organized and prepared for the school year.

In an ideal world, all traces of schoolwork, sports equipment and other necessities of the school year would be put away the second the kids walk in the door. Though this scenario is likely far from reality for most families, fortunately, a remodeling project or even just a few modifications can help prevent a mess of papers and projects once class is back in session.

Create a Homework Station

To encourage kids to focus on their studies rather than the TV, define a space for schoolwork. Find an area with plenty of room for your kid to spread out and add a desk, some shelving and other pieces of furniture with storage capabilities. Designate a bookcase or shelving space for textbooks, notebooks and anything school-related. This way, you won’t be running from room to room searching for that algebra book when you should be heading out the door. If you’re looking for something more permanent, create a built-in desk and cabinetry that can be used by both children and parents for homework and other household business.

Build a Mudroom for Bags and Equipment

Create a mudroom by the door for kids to drop off their backpacks, coats, bulky instruments and any grimy sports equipment. Add benches for extra storage and space to get ready. Build shelves and hang hooks on the wall to keep bags off the ground and out of the way. In addition, install easy-to-clean flooring, like tile or wood, that won’t be stained by dirty shoes. Add a charging station for smart phones, tablets and laptops.

Get Rid of Last Year’s Clutter

It may seem like an obvious tip, but de-cluttering closets and under-the-bed space is much easier said than done! All that stuff may seem worthy of keeping after the time and effort put into it, but it’s unlikely your kid will need schoolwork from previous years. Apart from projects and artwork with sentimental value, do yourself a favor and throw out all those tests, homework assignments and spiral notebooks that won’t be reused. This way, you’ll clear out space for the new load of schoolwork your student will inevitably bring home.

If you’re interested in a remodeling project for your home, contact Chris Black of CB Construction at 214-773-5566. CB Construction serves the Dallas communities of Lower Greenville, Lakewood, Lake Highlands, White Rock Lake, University Park, Highland Park and surrounding areas. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me.

Chris Black

5711 Mercedes Avenue
Dallas, Texas  75206

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